Content Permission
for Copyrighted Materials

Presence-Based Coaching is committed to offering many of our copyrighted materials under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International License. This lets others copy, distribute, and transmit the work, even for commercial purposes. All such downstream uses must carry the same license; it is not permissible to add more restrictive copyrights.

We also have other materials that retain a traditional copyright, shown by the © symbol. The information on this page only applies to materials that explicitly display the Creative Commons license information. For uses of traditionally copyrighted materials, please inquire.

You are free to use any of our Creative Commons licensed materials under the following conditions:

  • Attribute the work to Presence-Based Coaching, but not in any way that suggests that we endorse you or your use of the work.
  • Do not change or alter the work in any way.
  • Distribute the work only under the same license, and make clear to others the license terms.

For all uses, whether electronic or print, include the complete license notice as provided in the original, specifically including the names of all co-authors and the information link back to this page. For example:

Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 4.0) License by Presence-Based Coaching, LLC.



Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 4.0) License by Bev Wann and Doug Silsbee.


To learn more about this innovative and generosity-driven approach to sharing important ideas and material, please visit the Creative Commons website. If you have specific questions about use of our materials, please contact

Thank you,