
PBC Faculty and Staff




I love the synergy that is created when we come together for this work. To experience deep inquiry, deep learning and deep understanding of self as coach in service of others is a powerful paradigm to spend time and energy in. This ever-expanding community of coaches and coaches-to-be is a wonderful learning lab of mind and body to bring the learning home. I’m proud to be a part of this team, and I continue to learn and grow on the journey.


Sharon Barbour

Mentor Coach

Coaching is a positive force in the world. I’m grateful to be part of the coaching profession and to work with PBC students on their pathway to mastery. I’ve been a certified professional coach in private practice since 2007. A strong desire for my own mastery, particularly with accessing body intelligence and unraveling limiting beliefs, led me to Presence-Based Coaching in 2011. As a Mentor Coach, I delight in helping our student coaches deepen and expand their skills. I am grateful for this community, and feel rooted in our joint commitment to conscious living and leading.


Richard Hansen

Mentor Coach

How can you take your coaching (…and life!) from beyond predictable to Extraordinary? As a PBC mentor coach, I enjoy engaging our community of coaches to deepen our awareness and integration of cognitive, emotional, and somatic competencies. This rich and integrated combination of mind, heart, and gut approaches improves both personal and professional outcomes and develops the leadership capacity of ourselves and of our teams.


Diane Hayes

Mentor Coach

I support coaches on how to improve their skills through the PBC model. I also coach high achieving college students and young professionals. I relish this work because my own self-awareness grows through this work. As I embody and then model the competencies in my coaching and group work, I witness significant growth in my clients. It invigorates me to have work that allows me to invest in others while also investing in myself and being a part of something so expansive!

Jeanne Lebens faculty

Jeanne Lebens

Faculty & Mentor Coach

I love the way Presence-Based Coaching so beautifully integrates many concepts and streams of learning that are only partially addressed in other coach training programs I’ve experienced.
It is a privilege to be part of the PBC team that trains others in this unique and robust methodology. I also enjoy continuing to support people in their ongoing development through the PBC Mentor Coaching program. My own development as a coach and a human is enriched by these experiences, and I am grateful to be a member of this incredible community of fellow teachers and lifelong learners.

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Anne Davidson

Faculty & Mentor Coach

After a twenty-five year consulting career, I am privileged to step back to support the causes and organizations I am passionate about. Foremost among these is Presence-Based Coaching. The work of Doug Silsbee and the colleagues who now carry his legacy forward has made an enormous difference in my career and personal development. My vision as a faculty member and Mentor Coach is to support those of you who want to make sustainable differences in your own lives and the lives of your clients. It’s a very special opportunity!


Natalia Rabin


The Presence-Based Coaching work is truly special and has been transformational in my own life. It is a joy to be part of the PBC faculty team to extend this work out into the world and to witness others experience the immense impact of PBC on their development. I am grateful for this ever-growing community of coaches who are passionate about creating positive change and building capacity in themselves and others.

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Andrew Jacobs


I consider it a great privilege to serve as a faculty of Presence-Based Coaching. This work has touched my life since the day I picked up The Mindful Coach and continues to do so each day I get to teach in front of the students. Perhaps what I love most is the gentle and supportive nature of its methods, creating a positive foundation for change, acceptance and a deepening of the human experience. Had it not been for a coincidental run in with Doug at a coffee shop in Asheville years ago, I’m not sure I would have found this developmental path. I am forever grateful that I did.


Jenny Sheehan

Registrar and Admin Coordinator

I work behind the scenes to make sure that everything with our Presence-Based Coaching and other courses run smoothly. I love interacting with all the students and I get to be on the front lines of following their progress from becoming interested in the program to becoming certified! I am grateful to be part of such an amazing community of people.


Sonya Kopp

Admin Assistant

I am excited to join the Presence-Based Coaching team and become submerged in the culture and community of coaching and leadership. I support activities behind the scenes including social media student resources, and look forward to getting to know you and being a part of your journey.


Elizabeth Charles

Accounting Support

I provide all of the accounting support for Presence-Based Coaching, from recording student payments to paying vendor bills as well as reconciling everything so that we’re all on the same page. For students, I help with credit card transactions – such as when you need to split a payment between cards – or creating invoices to provide your employer. I enjoy this opportunity to work with such pleasant and thoughtful people!