advanced practitioner training

Living in Presence Coaching Course

After completion of the Presence-Based Coaching Core Practitioner training you are invited to continue your learning and apply for our Advanced Practitioner Training – Living in Presence Coaching Course.

Our flagship Certification course to become a “Certified Presence-Based Coach.” Pragmatic curriculum and experience in assessing, contracting, designing and delivering a 6-month coaching engagement. Rigorous self-development in a community of learners who practice together over the 6-month timeframe of this course.  Experience a relational container built specifically for your own learning, growth and presence.

how will i grow?

During the Living in Presence-Based Coaching Course you will:

Deepen your understanding and practice of Presence-Based® Coaching. In LIPCC, you will apply coaching tools and practices to on-going coaching relationships and life-long development. Retreats, virtual technologies, small group work and supervision provide a range of rigorous structures that support the integration of learning. Leading edge material going well beyond Doug’s published writings is included, and our Competency Model provides grounding for rigorous coach self-development.

Follow the developmental thread of Sensing, Being, and Acting. We, and our clients, live in multiple commitments that include contribution, self-care, career, and family. These superficially competing dynamics trigger the experience of tension, and they hold the potential of accelerated integration. In LIPCC, we come to see that we are revealed through an unfolding series of commitments that impel us to continually include and transcend our identities in a life-long development process. Coaching and living in presence accelerate this natural unfolding for ourselves and for our clients.

Forge a robust community of practice. A central part of the learning will be the development of a co-creative community of practice whose collective purpose is to support the development of our members, and in turn those we serve. We do this primarily through the practice of Presence-Based® Coaching.

what will i learn?

We will focus on:

Working inside of the entire arc of a six-month coaching engagement

Assessing fit with coaching prospects

Developing rigorous competency-based coaching outcomes

Integrating a focus on outcomes with working with real-time, emergent data

Creating immediacy and relevance using present moment experience

Maintaining coaching presence under pressure

Accessing a full range of coaching moves with fluidity and ease

Integration with the PBC and ICF competency models

Working the ethical dilemmas and other coaching challenges

Working with accountability, breakdowns and commitment issues

Assessing progress against outcomes

Considerations for completing a coaching engagement

Contextualizing coaching as a catalyst for human development

how will this occur?

Six month course and container for your learning over time.

Begin and end the program with a four-day residential retreat six months apart.  We will have virtual touch points in between:

  • Six group classes on competency proficiency
  • peer coaching in small groups
  • coaching practice through outside clients and written case studies
  • ongoing feedback
  • two book reflections (choose from an extensive reading list)
  • kick-off with an individual coaching session with Bebe or PBC Faculty.
  • You will conclude with a Live Coaching Performance Demonstration at the PCC (Level 2).
  • Earn an additional 75 ICF Core Competency training hours